At present our family has awkward living arrangements. Matt works and lives in Sydney during the week (RAAF) and comes home every weekend that he isn’t working. This means that during this season, we have had to be much more intentional in making sure that when Matt’s home, he connects with each of our kids in the ways they specifically need. It sounds simple enough but it isn’t completely straight forward when love tanks are filled in different ways. Joey loves to do everything WITH Matt –no matter what it is. And hugs. The kid loves people touching him! He’s a quality time and physical touch person! Abi loves to be told how special she is and how well she is doing. She also likes special time with loved ones. She’s a words and time girl! Both kids like all forms of love of course, but some mean more to them than others. And we adults are the same! Kids need love. We all know that. And as parents we should know how to love our kids accordingly. In the well known story of The Prodigal Son in the Bible, the father clearly loved his son and displayed it… Luke 15:20 "So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him."” This was a Dad who knew what his son needed in that moment. Do you know what your child needs? It’s ok to not really know – it sometimes isn’t glaringly obvious! But attached here is a great quiz that will help your WHOLE FAMILY determine their love language. Get everyone to do the quiz but then share the results as a family. Talk to your kids about how they can love each other and you most effectively! Have fun!
