Have you heard the one about the guy stuck in a pit? Someone came along and reached in to pull him out and he said, "I'll be right mate". Another person came along and offered him a ladder. He said, '"No thanks". A third person went by and offered him a rope. He said, '"All good thanks!" Eventually he died and went to heaven. He said to God "God I prayed for you to help me, what happened?' God said, "I sent 3 different people to help you but you said no!"
I think that sometimes we can be like that guy. Did you know that 1 in 5 Australians experience a mental illness in any year? And over half of those do not seek help for it. Being married to a doctor has made me so much more aware that mental health should be taken seriously. Very seriously. The sad reality is that many people are seeking help far later than they should and some of the results are relationship breakdowns and families falling apart.This breaks my heart.
Unfortunately, many Christians who are struggling mentally strongly resist seeking help. Maybe they feel like it is a way of saying God isn't in control? Maybe they think they will be judged? I don't know their reason but I know it isn't in their best interest and also not in the best interest of their families! The truth is, you WILL go through hard times. The Bible is very clear about that. Thankfully he also promises to walk through it WITH us! The 23rd Psalm shows us this! But when the season lifts and your mental state does not... it might be time to seek some help. Your kids need you to be well. They need you to be whole. If you suspect that the way you are feeling has lasted too long, or someone you love has suggested their concern about you, maybe it is time to seek some help. If that's you, consider taking this quiz at Beyond Blue for some guidance. Also, this article titled "Encouraging Truths for Christians with Mental Illness" is a great read for everyone because we ALL know someone affected by mental illness. If not you - someone you love! You can encourage them with this tool. Do you want to be the best parent you can be? If so, it's time to make sure you are looking after yourself properly!
The short version of this post?
1. Mental illness should be taken seriously.
2. Many Christians don't like to acknowledge mental illness.
3. Your family needs you to be well!
4. Take the Beyond Blue quiz if you feel vulnerable.
5. Read this article for some encouragement for Christians with mental illness - even if it is just so you can encourage someone else!
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