Just when I think I have my kids worked out, they go and change on me! A new season in their life comes along and I'm just not ready for it! Can you relate? I'm not sure why it surprises me that I would feel out of my depth. NO ONE has it all figured out when they enter new territory. I think it is pretty true to say that for many of us as parents we so often just 'play it by ear'. But that's just crazy! Think about it... we take lessons to learn a musical instrument. We do a cooking course to improve our skills in the kitchen (does watching Masterchef count?). We go to school to learn to read and write. We even watch Youtube to figure out how to get to the next level of an xbox game. We do these things to help us conquer something new.
So why not up-skill in parenting!?!?
There is help out there! It can be hard to find good Christian guidance to parenting but it exists in so many ways!
If you haven't tried listening to an audio book - you totally should! It is so easy! Listen to one on the way to work on the train or while driving. Listen while cleaning the house. Dare I say... listen while exercising! There are plenty of ways to squeeze the up-skilling of our parenting into our life and audio books make it super easy.
Check out the range at Christian Audio here and if you are quick enough you can get them 50% off!
Sounds like a start to me!
Head back our home page with links to different tools and info for you and your family click here
