At the moment Matt and I are dealing with the serious realisation that we are in our final year of being able to ‘control’ our son. The word control being used very very liberally. You see, Josiah is in year 12 this year and that means that NEXT year… well… things will change in our worlds just a bit! So now, more than ever we are making the effort to get as much ‘good stuff’ into him as we can before the bittersweet G-day arrives. Graduation day that is! And boy - we are so thankful we have a church to help us with that.
If you are anything like me, you want to be the best version of yourself as possible so that you can help your kids be THEIR best version too. In light of that, Matt and I will be doing the Red Letter Challenge that is running at Catalyst shortly.
In case you don’t know what that is…basically it means that for the next 6 weeks at Catalyst we will all be focusing in on the red words written in the Bible – the words that Jesus said. And most importantly… how we should be living them in our own lives as disciples. That's something I definitely want my kids to see in me and eventually emulate. You can check out the Red Letter Challenge website here for more in depth info.
Each week during the service at Catalyst we will cover a different RED topic and then in the week that follows we all have the chance to dig a little deeper into that and apply it to our lives. A fantastic way to do this during the week is to join with a group and do the challenge with others. There are so many groups available that will run once per week for the 6 week duration. This is a great chance to understand the word more and make connections with people!
So... if you are not yet part of a group that is doing the RED LETTER CHALLENGE (RLC) don’t miss your chance to sign up after each service on Sunday! There are many groups that will suit different families for different reasons, but we'd love to bring your attention to a Friday night group that is available. It is being run at Catalyst and makes it extra easy for those families with kids attending youth but is also great for those with school age kids because it’s the weekend. So look for that group (run by the awesome Andrew A) at the sign up table if it sounds like a win for you!
Another option is to grab a couple of other families and commit doing the challenge together! You can do it after the service in the Foundry or go to a park or swap hosting it in each other’s homes - there are so many options! Sometimes things aren’t as hard as we make them out to be!
The books for the challenge are available at the back of the church auditorium at the hugely subsidized price of $10 each or $15 for two. If that is a struggle for you, please just tell the folk at the desk and they will give you one. We don't want anyone to miss out.
If you are reading this post after the Red Letter Challenge is finished, don’t be disheartened. We are always looking for ways to support families with discipling their kids. Just get in touch with us and we are happy to chat some more about it and steer you in the right direction!
Head back our home page with links to different tools and info for you and your family click here
