I had to say sorry to my husband the other day. It was so hard but just so necessary. If your family is anything like mine - you all sometimes get on each others nerves too! There are over-reactions to innocent comments, bad attitudes, selfishness and other ugly behaviours that lead to misery for everyone. Quite often the outcome is that someone needs to utter those hard to say words... "I'm sorry". And not just kids to kids, or kids to adults - but dare I say... adults to kids too! We are NOT always right just because we are the parents! The Bible even says.... Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (Eph 6v4).
God knows that we will not always get it right with our kids and he wants us to work on that. Apologising isn't typically easy. It involves humility and a soft heart but thankfully this is something God can help us with. But the WAY we apoligise is so important too. You may have heard that we all have a different love language (if you haven't check out this post) but I've just discovered that we also have an apology language. To best understand those you love the most, check out the article and get everyone in your family to take the quiz. It will help you understand each other more making your family a safer place to be! And... much less exasperating too!
The short version of this post?
1. All families have tension.
2. God tells parents NOT to exasperate their children!
3. Apologies are necessary.
4. We have an apology language. Read the article to find out yours!
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