Have you ever had one of those moments where your child is quite justifiably miserable and you can do NOTHING for them? I have. It's horrible. I had one just the other night and all I could do is wrap my arms around my child and reassure her that she would get through it. You've done that too I'm sure! But it broke my heart to see her like that. Because I know what it feels like. I know that feeling too well. The blessing of being a child of Christ however, is that we CAN do more than just give the cuddle. When we have no more wisdom or advice to give (and maybe even BEFORE those things), we can give the HOPE that Jesus promises us. Cuddles are important. A good snotty cry is important. HOPE is important and is ours for the taking. Have a read of this article and use it to prepare yourself for the next time your child needs a whisper of hope from above.
