Why have we created this site? Because parenting is HARD WORK! And NO ONE should feel like they are doing it alone. That feeling of having to “have it all together” makes it very easy to feel like a failure and can make us want to escape. But as parents, escape isn’t possible because we are NEVER, EVER, EVER ALONE!
Ok... so maybe our kids aren't always with us every second of the day, but let's face it, our kids are constantly on our minds. It's a 24/7 gig!
That’s why I’ve called this blog NEVER ALONE. It has a double meaning. The first: because parents are never alone when they have a child in their heart. The second: because all parents – whether married or solo, can BLESSEDLY be never alone in the parenting gig… when they have JESUS beside them.
One of the greatest encouragements Jesus has given me is in Galatians 6:9 where is says “Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due season you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.” How great is that!? I cling to this verse! All this hard work will pay off! I need to hear that. It keeps me going!

So this content is to inspire and encourage all parents – whether single, married, widowed or fostering, to remember that God has not gifted us with our kids and then left us to fend for ourselves. He’s right beside us every step of the way, helping us, encouraging us, cheering us on – if we let him!
You will find bits and pieces that I have gleaned here and there that have helped me. And I will keep adding to it as stuff 'happens'. I hope and pray that as time passes you can reach a point of saying you are never alone, with a double meaning, and be thrilled about it!
Betsy Jones
Catalyst Church Children's Pastor